Friday, November 27, 2009

The Zipper

Are you tired of passing a pot hole being repaired and seeing 10-15 people there? One working and the rest standing around? It doesn't have to be that way. Why don't Mayor Kelly and Council order a machine called the Zipper, it speeds up road work, cuts down on cost and does an efficient finished job in a cost efficient way. Seems these aspects of spending our tax dollars seldom, if ever, enter Council's collective minds. On the site below there are a number of taped testimonials to the efficiency of this machine. We can't afford the ever increasing burden of taxes taken from us by all levels of government. It's time government is forced to live in the real world like us. They have to learn our pockets are not bottomless and they can't continue to keep raising taxes and assessments or inventing new and improved user fees. it's time they created new and improved ways to spend our money. Take a good look at this machine and imagine what it would mean to us, the HRM taxpayer in savings, then let Council know by E Mailing them using the E Mail lists on the left had side of the page.

Bruce DeVenne

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