Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Revenue Canada
St. John’s NFLD
Reporting tax cheating
Fx 1-506-636-5316

To Whom It May Concern,

It has come to light earlier this year that lawyers who are sitting members of the Nova Scotia House of assembly (MLS’a) have their annual membership dues in the NS Barristers Association of $3,500 paid for them by the government (taxpayers) yet these expenditures don’t appear in their financial statements recently released by the Auditor General of Nova Scotia Mr. Jacques Lapointe. If it is true that they have this fee paid annually by the taxpayer isn’t it income?

Minister Hurlburt paid over $9,000 for a generator from tax funds, it was worth $1,000 where did the extra $8,000 plus go?

This raises a number of possible problems…..
1. Since there seems to be no record of this money was it added to the MLA’s T4’s?
2. If it was not added to the T4’s then isn’t it income tax evasion.
3. Did the MLA’s then deduct the receipt for the dues from their taxes as if they paid the fees themselves? If so that would be tax fraud.

The list goes on and on and involves dozens of MLA’s one with 5 cameras and a dozen printers. The Premier with a $2,100 digital camera (his hobby is photography) and two $2,600 laptops one of which his son used at school according to a local magazine.

Please investigate this matter fully with all the thoroughness, vigor and aggressiveness as you would if these people were not elected politicians. Like you did here in this W5 story from Safurday night past

Yours truly
Bruce DeVenne

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