Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our lipstick on a pig award today goes once again to Mayor Peter Kelly for political and fiscal hairsplitting.

In Sundays Herald he says:

It ( the $35 million they were short) was a "Funding gap,’ not shortfall" and goes on to add," City hall’s latest money woes are certainly challenging but not insurmountable, Halifax Mayor Peter Kelly said Saturday" and " Such fiscal measures as service cuts or increased taxes — or both — could be on the way.
We need to look at the way we do our business," to see if there’s a better method of managing expenses with monies received, Kelly said.
"Funding gap,’ not shortfall" Try being a few thousand short on your mortgage or car payments and see if this hairsplitting works with your bank. NO way so why should it work with the HRM taxpayer? If you were in this mess you could

A Cut back spending and buy less costly goods

B Get a second job

Mayor Kelly and his council won't be getting second jobs to cover the shortfall oops the funding gap and they show no intention of killing the white elephants they plan to spend our money on so get ready for large annual tax hikes and regular cuts in service which seem to be the only way Mayor Kelly plans to work. Remember Mayor Kelly wasn't short the money he just didn't take enough from us but is seems he is ready to remedy this oversight
Bruce DeVenne

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