Thursday, August 13, 2009

Frank Magazine behind the times

You can't really fault Frank though. He was commenting on yet another boondoggle from our beloved Mayor Peter Kelly. How can you keep up with the mishaps of a man who lead HRM's bid on the Commonwealth Games and presided over the cat law fiasco to mention just a couple of his better known disasters. Well Frank announced a new Eau de Toilette called PK one in honour of the smell of His Honour's harbour.. no sooner was his informative periodical on the stands and the Dartmouth system started to let go raising the need for PK Eau de Toilette 2. At the rate the syetems in Halifax are failing (did I say new systems) Mayor Kelly and his council will soon have a complete line of these products out equal to anything Madaonna or anybody else has. Just remember this product may, as Frank warns us, contain solids. What stinks worse then this whole fisaco is the secrecy behind it. Not unlike the HIV and HepC disasters involving the Canadian blood system nobody will ever be called to task for this. Who is responsible? The engineers who designed it? The staff engineer who deemed it acceptable? Mayor Kelly and his Council who voted for it? The company who installed it? You will never know. Unless history takes a 180 deg turn the only thing for sure is that you, the taxpayers of HRM will be paying to fix it or replace it completely if it is, in fact, usless for the size of the job. You can own one of these beautiful T Shirts, Instructions on picture. Let's all get one and wear it to council meeting.

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