Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The entitled are entitled to their entitlements. When you make the rules behind closed doors it’s easy to look after yourself like this. The question is, if you left under clouds of suspicion would you walk away or face criminal investigation, possible prison and loss of you pension? We paid $9000 for a $1000 generator for Hurlburt. Where did the rest of the money go? Wilson’s employees say they didn’t get those fat bonuses. Where did the money go? Why isn’t the Premier calling in the RCMP? Could it involve a super high-end camera, high cost laptops and self-preservation? Who got what and where did the missing money go? That’s what the public wants to know yet there seems to be very little interest in finding that out being shown by the bunch on Hollis St. Has anybody else refused to appear before the AG or gone and refused to answer questions? How many others are talking to lawyers and checking their pensions ready to bail out? If it’s any consolation this is not the worst example of pensions. That goes to Fred MacGillivray and his pension plus reported payout exceeding a million. Not bad for running a hotel and a rink that lost money annually is it? They love our taxdolars!

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