Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rebuttal to Kelly Regan’s demand that we have faith in our elected officials.

Kelly Regan tells us we must have faith in their elected officials. No Kelly, they must earn it: they’ve destroyed it. Liberal’s in particular.
Liberal Premier John Savage told us amalgamation was cheaper. I doubt if even he believed it. Logic would say no. It was a matter of the Liberals downloading provincial financial responsibilities onto the city taxpayers. He was told that there were studies (it’s in Hansard) from Toronto, that showed super-cities to be economic disasters but he ignored them.
He replaced our Trans-Canada highway system with toll highways despite collecting hundreds of millions annually in gas tax, licensing, registration fees and GST on cars. Ottawa’s Liberals and three Liberal run provinces signed onto the GST deal that took $1.8 billion more from people in those provinces ($600,000,000 in Nova Scotia). This demands faith?
Add P3 schools, costing us a fortune and I notice are part owned in some cases by EX Liberal party executives. This demands faith?
The Conservatives. Conservative Premier John Hamm spent his short time as Premier creating new user fees and jacking those already there sky high. He was one of the better examples, in my opinion, of the politician who, at election time can shake your hand, look you straight in the eye, call you by your first name and say whatever he thinks will get him a vote. They do this because they know legally campaign promises don’t exist after the election. Morally or ethically perhaps but we don’t see those traits in our elected officials to often.
Premier Rodney: What do you have to say about that bunch after you say Ernie Fage?
Now the NDP who take the gold medal in hypocrisy. They forced an election because the PC’s were going to use money, set aside for the debt, in general funding. After they were elected they did it themselves. Their excuse (from one long time NDP’er), “it had to be done”. If that’s the case why didn’t they let the PC’s do it and save the cost of an election?
The NDP, while sanctimoniously condemning the other parties from the position of third party and opposition, had their snouts into the trough just as deeply as the rest. Now that they are caught?….WE’LL look after it. WE’LL have the speaker investigate the speaker’s office and an Ex MLA look into the rest and WE Will decide if police action is warranted. How many ways can you spell conflict if interest? No matter how many there wouldn’t be enough to cover what is going on in the Legislature right now.
Add to that the election contribution scandal with it’s many twists.
Before Ms. Regan so casually tells us to have faith in our elected officials I would suggest she go to my petition page via and read some of the hundreds of comments put there by the public .It will amaze her how out of touch with them she and many other elected officials are.

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