Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another class action law suit brewing thanks to Harper, Dexter, MacDonald et. al

Today's headlines tells us that there is "No money to test new MS treatment" and adds, " Experts doubt method works, feds advised". This is the same story that resulted in thousands of Canadians being infected with Hepatitis C through the blood. The Canadian Red Cross refused to add a screen being used by the rest of the industrialized world because they couldn't get money to give it a "Canadian Content test" with the result that for years Canadian Content in blood meant Hepatitis C.
What test does the MS treatment need? We've seen it work on TV one guy was awake for the procedure and felt the difference immediately. They say we study history so we don't make the same mistakes again. I assume that history is not a part of poli-science courses. How many thousands of Canadians will suffer and die from MS while Harper, Dexter, Maureen MacDonald and our other leaders twiddle their thumbs over this proven treatment? One has to wonder how many of our Political and Medical leaders and experts own stock in the companies who make billions selling the drugs presently used top treat MS and what this does to ability to make a rational decision. I can see no rationality in what they are doing, just another massive class action law suit to enrich a gang of lawyers.Darrel Dexter just handed tens of millions to the Irving family and a Korean multibillion dollar company yet can't find a few cents to test a proven treatment to relieve thousands of Canadians? Remember this next election folks.
Bruce DeVenne

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