Thursday, March 19, 2009


Somebody once said a boat is a hole in the water into which you pour money. Why then is HRM council prepared to annually pour millions of our hard earned tax dollars into a high speed ferry from Bedford (the Mayor's home port) and Halifax? Councillor David Hendsbee, on the now defunct and greatly missed Rick Howe Hot Line Show, told me that people would come from Sackville, Upper Sackville, Beaverback and Mount Uniack to use this service.
I ask you to think about this for a minute. Who is going to get off a 100 KPM highway that takes them easily and quickly into work to get on the 50 KPH Hammonds plains road so they can park, wait for a shuttle service, take that to the ferry and pay $15.00 for a trip that will see them taking one or more buses to get to where they are going in Halifax then do it all in reverse after work? Very few that I can think of.
For what this ferry service will cost we could put a couple of dozen new buses on the road. Buses that could go where needed not in a straight line from point A to point B and back again. It's time this council started spending our tax dollars intelligently supplying needed services not pipe dreams.
If you are tired of seeing your money wasted on grandiose ideas like the Commonwealth Games and high speed ferries speak up. You can contact the Mayor and your councillor by using the index on the left.
Bruce DeVenne

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