Sunday, March 22, 2009

When everybody thinks alike then nobody us thinking

I read this line in a book last week and it struck me how well it applies to government. In Provincial and Federal government where agreement with the party is sacred law for all intents and purposes. You vote the party line in a sheep-like manner no matter what the cost to the people who elected you to represent their interests or else. If not it's good-bye Charlie or Bill Casey whichever the case may be. Recently Cuba's Castro kicked two people out of their government positions for speaking out against some of his policies the same as Harper did to Casey. This tends to lend credence to the statement that we are living in an elected dictatorship.

It also seems to be well embedded in Municipal politics as well. You only have to look at the string of unanimous votes supporting the Commonwealth games despite all the evidence showing them to be an economic black hole.

The first question here is what do we elect people for. Do we send them to look out for our interests and well being of for the party's, big business and their friends interests? The second question is how do we get them to change the system and look after the people who sent them to the Legislature: Parliament or City Hall instead of the party's interests, business and their friends.

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