Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mayor Kelly a bipedal oxymoron??

As we all know an oxymoron is a term that contradicts itself such As Jumbo Shrimp or, as they say in M*A*S*H, Army intelligence.

Bipedal means two footed so let’s look at out civic leader. It’s evident that he only has two feet so the bipedal description is OK. In order to decide if the oxymoron tag fits let’s look at his past record.

This is the man who, as Councilor Kelly, objected so strongly to the excessive cost of new chairs for the council members that he very theatrically (and some say childishly) dragged his old chair into chambers refusing to sit in the new more costly one.

When John Savage shoved the horrendous costs of forced amalgamation down our throats (about the same time as the blended sales tax that cost Nova Scotians about a billion annually and the toll highway on the way to Amherst) Councillor Kelly was on a perpetual rant about the secrecy of Council meetings complaining that the chambers should be open to the public more than they were.

Councillor Kelly rode these twin concerns, needless costs and secrecy to the Mayor’s chair now let’s take a look at the changes he bought with him.

He now seems to be the person who hold’s the tax vault doors open while Fred MacGilliavry (retired) and his ilk raid the coffers to shower themselves in glory or make money for the downtown bars at the cost of the HRM taxpayer. His high-speed ferry is just one of his high cost low efficiency and debt laden ideas. Nothing seems too far-fetched or too costly to him now.

As far as closed door meetings and secrecy goes Mayor Kelly unlike Councillor Kelly not only sees nothing wrong with it but has increased that aspect of Council to the point that he makes all past Mayors and even Howard Hughes look like exhibitionists.

What happened to fiscally conservative, Peter Kelly who championed more open civic government? Was he taken over by some sort of science fiction monster from outer space?
Perhaps Mayor Kelly could take a few minutes and tell us where Councilor Kelly vanished to.

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